Comprehensive Healthcare

We help make this moment pleasant, easy, and fast for you.

Prou moments traumàtics:

T'ajudem a que aquest moment sigui agradable i enriquidor.

67% of children report fear of needles, and 10% of adults have a phobia—often rooted in traumatic childhood experiences.

A blood test, an IV insertion, a vaccination… experiencing these moments with fear and anxiety as a child can leave lasting memories.

Ensure calm and comfort for children during these procedures.

Introducing Young Heroes: a carefully crafted virtual experience developed with love, in collaboration with families and clinicians, to help little ones approach these moments with empowerment and calm.

Through virtual reality goggles, children share the experience of the injection with Leia, our avatar, who helps them see it doesn’t hurt much, isn’t scary, and is a completely normal moment.

How does it work?

Fast. Easy.  Comfortable. Safe.


Once the child is seated or lying down, place the VRPharma virtual reality goggles on them.


Select the appropriate content based on the child’s age, interests, and the medical procedure, then press ‘play’.


During the medical procedure, you can view the virtual experience in real-time on the tablet and interact with the child.


After finishing, disinfect the goggles and set them aside—they’ll be ready for the next patient.

A clinically validated solution

80% of children who used Young Heroes report feeling no pain during the injection.

100% of families would repeat and recommend the experience.

Heart rate trends during double vaccination in 300 children aged 3 and 6. In red, the trend for children in the non-virtual reality group; in blue, the trend for the group that used Young Heroes.

Meet Oleguer and learn from his experience

Since he was little, Oleguer has had a paralyzing fear of needles. Getting a blood test or a vaccine was always a traumatic experience for him—and for us.

From the first time he used the VRPharma goggles, he was open to the experience and saw it as a way to manage his fear. He stayed calm throughout, even sharing what he was watching in the goggles with the nurses, who were able to draw his blood smoothly.

When the nursing team finished and let him know, he was surprised that the test was already over and left beaming, proudly telling everyone he was ‘totally fine.’”

Experience conscious sedation.

Explore our virtual reality content library designed to enhance the emotional well-being and mental health of children in medical settings.

Look up!

We bring smiles during care and treatments that require the patient to lie still, including emergency visits, dental procedures, routine care, and more.

Young Heroes

We transform young patients' experiences by reducing pain, distress, and anxiety related to needle procedures.

Happy Thoughts

We provide emotional well-being, fostering a connection with the real world around us, nature, and cultivating a sense of abundance.


Offer relaxation and distraction therapies during hospital stays, operating room transfers, diagnostic tests, and more.

Bringing smiles to life:

  • Blood tests, vaccinations, IV placements
  • Hospital stays and operating room transfers
  • Reducing distress and anxiety during invasive procedures
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Pediatric emergencies
  • Dental treatments

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